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im a boy,  15 years old,  i love to drink beautiful girls pee🥰, is it normal*??

nl: Ik weet niet of je ook Nederlands kan aangezien je Nederlandse tags, maar ik zeg het wel in beide talen

Ik vind het een beetje raar, plas drinken van andere mensen. Volgensmij kan je er ook ziek van worden want in je plas zitten bacteriën die slecht voor je zijn 

VK: I don't know if you can also speak Dutch since you have Dutch tags, but I will say it in both languages


 I think it's a bit strange, drinking other people's pee. I think it can also make you sick because your pee contains bacteria that are bad for you

yea i agreed with you  , but i love to drink it , only from beautiful girls  , it feels like im drinking their beauty from the source...

I think it is very bad, maybe not once, but if you drink it very often you will ingest a lot of harmful bacteria

I dont think so

im enjoying it 😊

I think that it is a horny idea...

I love it to, and if you enjoy then its good. It doesn’t matter what other people think sex is such a personal thing. So i say keep drinking.

I think that it is a horny idea...

it sounds like you love it too 🥰
