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I'm too scared of my ex best friend.

  • 26 June 2024
  • 1 reactie
  • 30 Bekeken

The school year just finished, and I am happy that I finally get to have a break from the constant stress and studying, but I am also really nervous and scared because next year I will be moving to another new school building where there is my ex best friend there, I just can’t bear the thought of even seeing her anymore. 

She has spread countless rumours about me for the past 2 years, making almost all of my friends dislike me for things that I didn’t even do and no matter how hard I tried everybody always believed her, she made fun of my eating disorder and told everybody I suffered from anorexia, she ruined my mental health, self-esteem and even made me feel so bad about myself that I got sent to a mental health clinic for a few months, now I always feel like I can’t trust anybody and I know that if she sees me next year her and her new friends will bully me again, I don’t know what to do anymore I already feel so bad about myself and I don’t want her to ruin me even more, I will have to see her everybody and endure the constant bad mouthing and shaming, she even threatened to beat me up and I don’t like to get into fights, what am I supposed to do? I can’t escape from her my whole life.

1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Badge +4

Hi there,

That's really sad to hear. Just try ignoring the bullies the best you can and if they're not stopping at all you might report it to a teacher or maybe try calling the nice people  from the Kindertelefoon and discuss your problems with them. Its phone number is 0800-0432! :]

I wish you the best!

Sincerely, justGhast
