okay first
suicide, cuts/selfharm, abuse
ik ga ook schrijven in engels, so sorry daarvoor
my parents started to abuse me since i was 8, its terrible, mental and physical, just this year it got way worse because of my grades, it has been so fucking bad that i tried to attempt suicide multiple times, i do selfharm everyday, and then with the abuse, life has been insanely painful
i have a disease, and probably a couple of mental diseases, i lost almost all my friends so i have no one there for me
i struggle because im confused about my gender, im trans at the moment and use he/they
i never felt loved, i never experienced real love, it hurts you know
my brain kinda settled to kill myself
we’ll see
thank you for reading.
( deels aangepast door de Kindertelefoon vanwege forumregel 9: ‘ Plaats geen illegale, schadelijke, triggerende en/of choquerende (seksuele) inhoud of links op het forum.’ , zelfmoordaankondigingen worden verwijderd omdat die choquerend of triggerend kunnen zijn voor anderen )