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TW: Threatening about killing, shooting and beating. 

Side note: my boyfriend isn't Dutch, so the things i typed and my boyfriend typed are all in English. 

Hey everyone on here.

I am a girl who is 16 years old with Borderline and Autism, so typing this in English is more comfortable for me.

The guy i know in person is: A

My boyfriend is: B

(I'm not going to give their real names) 

There's a guy i know in person, A, who liked me until yesterday. I told him that i was clearly not ready to deal with it. He didn't reply to that at all (i said this twice, last Saturday and yesterday). He wanted to meet up yesterday, i told him i couldn't because of my busy schedule. I had alot of stuff to do yesterday like getting my vaccine and homework etc. He got sad, and kept asking why i couldn't meet up. I told him everything. I felt uncomfortable with him at this point, and usually when i get uncomfortable i try to avoid meetings even more, even if I'm not busy.


I have a boyfriend, B, who knew about the situation because i sent him screenshots. He's older than me, not saying the exact age but let's say he's older. He always takes care of me in these sort of situations because of my attacks i can get. And, without thinking, i asked my boyfriend to come here and sleep a while because i was scared that A would turn up at my house.


When my boyfriend, B, arrived at my home we did our usual things, if you know what i mean. My phone buzzed a few times because A texted me asking what i was up to. My boyfriend got mad and sent him a few pictures of really closeup photos of his face, and A didn't recognize who B was. And i know, B shouldn't have done that. But after a few photos, A found out. They started having an argument through my phone on Whatsapp. I grabbed my phone back and locked it. And B and i went on with our thing.


Later that day, when i got my vaccination, i checked the messages to see what they said to eachother. I apologized to A, because i felt bad. A told me it was okay, but A didn't want B to text him ever again.

Here are some things A said afterwards about B:


A: I don't want him snooping around my back and saying stuff about being with you. I really got mad because he hurt my feelings, and i really wanted to kill him.

A:  You know, you're a really nice girl and also very sweet, but i don't want B on your phone.

A:  I know B means alot to you, so i wont hurt him. I care about you, not him. But, if he takes what i love, i will hurt him. He needs to pay.


The last message got me fucked up, because A and i aren't even in a relationship. I am in a happy and healthy relationship with B, so i don't understand where that came from.


Further on through the conversation, he kept threatening about killing him, shooting him, beating him and so on.

So, my question is;

What do i do about this? I'm scared to go to the police about it because A is a dangerous person. And if he finds out i filled a report or anything like that, he'll do bad things.


Edit since i read everything back i typed:

I told A in the last screenshot which is the first conversation of yesterday that i didn't want to deal with this right now. He didn't reply about that message. I hope it works if i add screenshots(i didn't include all of it. It takes too much energy). Please note that i might've not said things right above because of my current stress level. I did say things i shouldn't have, but i didn't think straight... 



I will respond in English, sorry if it isn’t good my English is not the best.

I ofc don’t know guy a so I don’t know what he is capable of, but if he is really capable of doing the things he said he wanted to do, I would call the police, or tell a few people you really trust. 
I would also text a (long) message about how you feel about how he’s acting and that you don’t like it, set your boundaries!!! 
This maybe sounds weird but if he says he loves you, you could maybe manipulate him a bit and winning him on your side, for example telling hem that he scares you, and he pushes you away and that ofc If he loves you not what he wants. You can keep him in suspense, for as long as needed.

I have no idea if you this is of any use to you?!

but I am glad I could help a little bit.



I will respond in English, sorry if it isn’t good my English is not the best.

I ofc don’t know guy a so I don’t know what he is capable of, but if he is really capable of doing the things he said he wanted to do, I would call the police, or tell a few people you really trust. 
I would also text a (long) message about how you feel about how he’s acting and that you don’t like it, set your boundaries!!! 
This maybe sounds weird but if he says he loves you, you could maybe manipulate him a bit and winning him on your side, for example telling hem that he scares you, and he pushes you away and that ofc If he loves you not what he wants. You can keep him in suspense, for as long as needed.

I have no idea if you this is of any use to you?!

but I am glad I could help a little bit.


Hi! Thanks for the advice!

A blocked me on Whatsapp, so i sent him a whole paragraph on Instagram. He didn't read it yet. It was sent yesterday at around 14:35. And i was actually thinking of going to the police, but A is a really dangerous person. He owns weapons etc, and he knows alot of bad people... So I'm really scared of what might happen
