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Am I pathetic?

  • 10 december 2024
  • 7 reacties
  • 83 Bekeken




I've been feeling very low lately and I attempted suicide once. I've been actively search online for therapy and suicidal prevention. My sister went through my search history without my permission one day. I thought maybe she'll help me out and be supportive. But she just mocked me. It made think if I was over exaggerating things. It just made me feel more low and I'm trying my best not to attempt suicide again. It just made me feel I'm pathetic when she mocked me. Any thoughts on this? Has anyone ever faced a situation like this? 


Hope you have a good day. Thanks for taking your time and reading it. 

  • 10 december 2024


I’ve been through something similar. I’d posted a vent thing on Wattpad about my self harm, and my sister unknowingly found my account and read it. She still hasn’t told me that she knows. It really sucks, but I’m sort of in a better place right now. It’s great that you’re taking the initiative for therapy, if you’re in the place to do so, I’d advise you to consider telling your parents about your feelings. It may help you cope with them.

It really sucks that your sister is like that. I’m really sorry for you and I wish I could do something other than tell you that you’re incredible and so worth it and that you’re awesome for making it this far. You are worth it and I believe in you, even when things seem tough. <3


Hey, im going through this rn. I feel really suicidal too but if i tell anyone theyll either not take me serious or just tell me i have nothing to be depressed about. Makes me feel pathetic too. I think if bad things happen more to me ill just run away. I dont know why people dont understand us, its weird...

Ik denk met je mee

that is indeed irritating
and what makes you think like that?

I feel very sorry for you 
You can always call the children's telephone or 113 

and there are always people who love you 

I hope I helped you that way 


  • Weet de weg
  • 14 december 2024
Max_T-rex :


Thank you.. 


I'm not in a good place at all. But I'm happy that you are and hope it's always like that. And I can't tell my parents. And I can't afford real online therapy either. I can't ask my parents for money either without telling what it's for. I did try to tell my parents that I'm not OK, but they just dismissed me saying that they have bigger problems.


And thank you for your words. I really appreciate it. It did kinda make me feel better. Thank you for taking the time to read and for replying. I really appreciate it.


Have a nice day 

  • Weet de weg
  • 14 december 2024
ItsJFromUtrecht :



Sorry that you are going through the same thing too. I hope you get better. I never thought of running away personally. I only wanted to just die cause I knew I wouldn't survive in the outside world. The only reason I still didn't do suicide is because my family would be devastated. They might be mean or dismissive to me,but I'm already emotionally attached to them, and I can't change that. Maybe think of the people you are emotionally attached to 

Hope it helps. Have a good day 

  • Weet de weg
  • 14 december 2024



Thank you. I don't know why I wanna suicide exactly either. I feel like I have no control over my life.. That's the main reason, I guess. I don't live in Netherlands, so I don't know if those numbers will even work for me. I don't have a phone or privacy either, so my parents will know if I'm talking to anyone. So I can't do it. But I appreciate you trying to help. I really do appreciate it. Thank you.


Hope you have a good day. 

Ik denk met je mee



how are you now?





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